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The Importance of Posture in an Electric Wheelchair

With mobility issues becoming daily for senior citizens and the disabled, we must look at ways to get them around. We don’t want to strip them of their independence and freedom. That leaves us looking at the benefits, features, and issues of the electric wheelchair. 

The Electric Wheelchair

The electric wheelchair has come a long way over time. They have become quieter, more energy efficient, easier to use, and prevalent among seniors and the disabled. The electric wheelchair uses a battery-operated motor to drive the chair around to help keep mobility-stricken people mobile. 

There are many styles and features to the electric wheelchair. Some of them can look like your typical wheelchair, some more like a scooter, and others can look like high-end hybrids between a scooter and a wheelchair with seats for a king. The style and level of comfort you get will depend on your budget. 

Posture Importance in an Electric Wheelchair

One of the biggest cons to an electric wheelchair is the loss of good posture. This can happen for several reasons and in several ways. One of the reasons is, with scooter-style electric wheelchairs, if they are not a proper fit, you find yourself reaching and leaning to reach the handlebars.

Another reason is the time you spend sitting in one without a change of position. This can lead to leaning and slouching, which disrupts the posture and causes pain and discomfort. So finding a suitable supportive electric wheelchair is a must. Let’s look at some different electric wheelchairs.

Comfygo Patriot-10


This electric wheelchair is foldable and approved for travel in airplanes. It is styled much like a manual wheelchair. It is joystick driven and has two 24v motors. It is designed to travel across gravel, carpet, grass, concrete, or pavement. 

This electric wheelchair is recommended for individuals with spinal cord injuries, neurological conditions, or other injuries. It has a straight seat back and seat belt to help promote good posture and comfort. 

Meritis Health Vision


This electric wheelchair is more of a hybrid style. It has a high seat back, cushioned armrest, and is joystick driven. This wheelchair is built to navigate everyday obstacles. It has 14in tires for even weight distribution.

The seat is comfy and cushioned. After prolonged usage, it becomes a posture issue. This electric wheelchair will not support proper posture with long-term use. That will leave the chair uncomfortable after a while. This chair is designed to get from point A to point B, and that is about it. 

Karman Healthcare XO-505


This is an all-around perfect wheelchair. This wheelchair is lightweight, boasts many features, and converts. This electric wheelchair will go from standing to sitting. This feature alone makes it a great chair. 

This chair is excellent for posture. You can lift yourself to a standing position. This relieves pressure on your behind and helps you move into a position that straightens your body out. That means when you are tired of sitting, you can stand even if you suffer from paralysis. Other great features of this chair are a full LCD and an adjustable backrest and footrest. 

Wrap it Up

Whether your mobility issues are age-related, accident-related, or genetic, there is an electric wheelchair for everyone. Remember that when deciding on a chair, you will want to think about features, comfort, and how long you will be in it every day. You don’t want the chair to cause more issues for you.

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