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Best Electric Wheelchairs

Looking for the Best Electric Wheelchair?

When you have any physical disability, it’s normal to think that you become dependent on another person – be it your nurse, caregiver, or any aid. This is especially true when you usually use wheelchairs because you’ll need someone to push you wherever you want to go.

For some, they settle with it mainly because they need assistance and guardian wherever they go. However, some want to achieve independence at some point and want to go wherever they want to at their own pace.

If you think that this is impossible, then think again – just look at Electric Wheelchairs. In this blog, we'll give you the Best Electric Wheelchairs that you can get exclusively from Mobility Paradise. But first, let's cover the basics.

What is an Electric Wheelchair?

If you are an X-men fan, then you already know what an Electric Wheelchair looks like. If you still don’t remember, then think of Professor Charles Xavier or Professor X. Professor X is indispensable with his electric wheelchair, which allows him to move freely from one point to another – that’s exactly what an electric wheelchair is.

Electric Wheelchairs are electric-powered wheelchairs that you can control simply through a joystick control. This contrasts with traditional or regular wheelchairs wherein you need to manually spin the wheels or get help from another person to push you wherever you want to go. Essentially, these Electric Wheelchairs are more functional than the traditional ones since most of them are made of high-grade materials and can pass through challenging terrain.

But to give you a better understanding of the main differences between the two, read on below:

Regular Wheelchairs vs. Electric Wheelchairs

Wheelchairs and Electric Wheelchairs cater to the same audience – the elderly and those with physical disabilities. However, there are significant distinctions between the two which we’ll discuss below:


The problem with a regular wheelchair is that it’s mainly built for indoors. This is precisely why it has such a slim pair of rear wheels. This poses a significant challenge to those who live in the suburbs who would like to go for trips to the lake or stroll in the parks. Generally, electric wheelchairs come with thick and small rear wheels – enough to manage challenging terrain, giving you a better riding experience even on rough pathways.    


As for the level of comfort, electric wheelchairs also lead the race. This is because most electric wheelchairs come with a full orthopedic seat to provide you with a want full head, neck, arms, and back support. It’s essentially like a captain seat that makes you feel like driving a car. This contrasts with regular wheelchairs that typically have limited support and thin lining, which worsens the pressure during prolonged seating.


In terms of built, Electric Wheelchairs are generally bigger than Regular Wheelchairs. This is mainly because an Electric Wheelchair has a battery and an electric motor. Plus, you’ll also notice that Electric Wheelchairs have relatively smaller wheels, unlike the regular ones, which have two huge and slim rear wheels and two support front caster wheels.


Electric Wheelchairs are a lot easier to use than the regular ones mainly because it takes a lot less effort to push it forward. The reason is that electric wheelchairs come with a central joystick control that allows you to go forward or backward as you please. This essentially takes away your dependability on other persons since you won’t need the help of another person to push you forward.


Since electric wheelchairs are bigger, of course, you can expect that it has a bigger carrying capacity. This is unlike regular wheelchairs, which are designed only to carry limited weight because of its very slim built. This sometimes poses a huge downside, especially for heavyweight individuals.


Overall, riding an electric wheelchair is way more convenient than having a regular wheelchair. The reason is that you can use it almost everywhere – you can ride it indoors up to the bumpiest roads outdoors, all by just driving it through a centralized joystick control. This removes the headache of having to ask for help from another person whenever you want to go somewhere.  

Who Should Get an Electric Wheelchair?

Essentially, an electric wheelchair is perfect for those who:

  • Depend on a wheelchair for mobility but would like to enjoy independence
  • Looking for a more comfortable alternative to a regular wheelchair
  • Need a dependable wheelchair that they can use indoors and outdoors
  • Want to go on with their regular days without the help of another person
  • Who typically suffer from muscle pains after a prolonged seating in a regular wheelchair

Best Electric Wheelchairs

EWheels EW-M51 12V/50Ah Medical Heavy-Duty Electric Wheelchair

If you’re looking for a Heavy-Duty Electric Wheelchair, this EWheels EW-M51 Heavy-Duty Electric Wheelchair is the perfect choice. This Electric Wheelchair boasts a sturdy built that’s designed to give you better traction and control. It has a stability system that will provide you with a smooth and steady ride for better comfort and safety. Besides that, you also get padded seating with a full armrest, backrest, and headrest support paired with an adjustable footplate to give you ultimate comfort.

You get an easy-to-control joystick for controls, which you can set up either on the left or right-hand side, depending on your preference. It has a range of 15 miles on a single charge and a top speed of 5 mph. You’ll also be surprised to know that EWheels EW-M51 Heavy-Duty Electric Wheelchair can carry a weight load of up to 400-lbs., which is perfect for heavyweight individuals.

Zip'r PC 12V/35Ah 320W Mid-Wheel Electric Wheelchair

Do you need a Mid-Wheel Electric Wheelchair that you can take indoors and outdoors without worrying too much about its stability and durability? If yes, this Zip'r PC 12V/35Ah 320W Mid-Wheel Electric Wheelchair should be your top choice. This Mid-Wheel Electric Wheelchair comes with a compact yet comfortable design with its heavy-duty seat cushions, and armrests that give you a relaxed feeling for every use.

You also won’t have to worry about aking it outdoors since it’s equipped with 6-wheels to ensure you of utmost stability. The best part is that it’s equipped with flat-free tires that give you a worry-free feeling whenever you’re outside. It can carry up to 300-lbs of weight in terms of capacity and has an outstanding mile range of 15 miles. So, if you’re looking for a comfortable Mid-Wheel Electric Wheelchair that can provide you with utmost stability, then this Zip'r PC 12V/35Ah 320W Heavy-Duty Electric Wheelchair is a must-have!

Merits Health 12V/50Ah 400W Heavy Duty Electric Wheelchair P182

If you prefer to have the classic built of a regular wheelchair but with the power of an electric wheelchair, then this Merits Health  400W Heavy-Duty Electric Wheelchair will surely fit your taste. This Electric Wheelchair has all the features you will surely love, including a foldable frame, spacious seating, great capacity, and a powerful motor.

It boasts a 400-watt motor that’s enough to power your ride even through rough roads. You’ll also enjoy riding this throughout the day since it has a whopping 25-mile range, which you can only find in electric bikes and scooters. Another thing to love about this Electric Wheelchair is its weight capacity. If you’re already sold with an Electric Wheelchair that can carry up to 400-lbs., then you’ll be surprised to know that this can carry up to 600-lbs. in one seating!  This Merits Health  400W Heavy-Duty Electric Wheelchair is undoubtedly the best choice for the elderly, pregnant women, persons with disabilities, and bariatric users.

EWheels EW-M45 12V/6Ah 180W Folding Electric Wheelchair

While Electric Wheelchairs are generally bulky, there are Folding Electric Wheelchairs that allow you to carry them wherever. One good example is this EWheels EW-M45 Folding Electric Wheelchair. This Electric Wheelchair is powered by two 180-watt brushless motors that will undoubtedly give you the needed boost in every ride without the help of another person. It comes with a modern look of finished metal frame and black color scheme that gives it an elegant-looking vibe in terms of aesthetics.

Don’t be deceived by its folding capability, as this lightweight Electric Wheelchair can carry up to 400-lbs. weight load, which is perfect for any adult. Like any other Electric Wheelchair, it has all the essential features, including an adjustable seat and a powerful battery. So, if you’re looking for a functional and compact Electric Wheelchair, then this EWheels EW-M45 Folding Electric Wheelchair is undoubtedly the perfect choice.

PaceSaver Scout Boss 4.5 Heavy Duty Electric Wheelchair 82348

If you’re after a simple yet elegant-looking Electric Wheelchair, then this PaceSaver Scout Boss Electric Wheelchair is undoubtedly the best choice. This Electric Wheelchair is designed to give its user the most comfortable ride through its finger touch reclining admiral seat with coil spring cushioning system and contoured orthopedic seat and back for maximum comfort and support.

Not only will you be pleased with its comfort but also with its aesthetics. It’s also built in a way that will ensure enhanced maneuverability to its users. In addition, you won’t ever have to worry about running out of battery mid-way since you can just carry with you a small charger with a battery-saver technology for longer battery life. It can carry up to 450-lbs in terms of capacity, making this PaceSaver Scout Boss Electric Wheelchair the perfect choice for those looking for the best combination of luxury and comfort.

Searching for more options?

Didn't find the right electric wheelchair for you? Then make sure to check out our other best selection detailed below:

But, if you want a more powerful mobility equipment, then you might want to consider getting a mobility scooter or an electric scooter. There are also other patient care products that you should check out like patient liftsrollator walkersgeri chairs, and transport carts

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