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10 Best Safety Products for Aging in Place

While you definitely don’t want age to slow you down, you’ve got to admit that you’re no longer as swift and as quick as you once were. It’s natural that it becomes more challenging to navigate around safely. Aging in place is a popular phenomenon – it simply means that as one’s mobility declines, you make adjustments to the home to make it more safe to navigate. This means instead of going to an independent or assisted living facility, you or your loved one can enjoy the familiar comforts of your own home, which has a host of financial, cognitive, and emotional benefits

Luckily, the best safety products for aging in place safely will give you a more comfortable and safer experience. These products will help you get going and enjoy your golden age with peace of mind.

Best Products to Get for Your Home for Aging in Place

Here’s a list of 10 best products to get for your home for aging in place. They combine safety and comfort to make sure your life is as smooth as possible.

Ramps & Grab Bars 

When age catches up, ramps and grab bars become your superheroes. You may be a bit shaky on the feet and incur difficulties balancing or standing up when seated. Ramps will provide you with a smooth ride and a secure grip. 

Their sleek wooden or aluminum design ensures your safety is top-notch. And they are perfect for anyone who wants to keep the adventure alive but needs extra support with it.

Grab bars, on the other hand, are the unsung heroes of the bathroom and inside the house. They are the friend who gives you a helping hand. Their firm grip makes standing and sitting a breeze, especially for those whose feet are unsteady. So, whether you are having a soak in the tub or brushing your teeth, bars are your trusty sidekicks.

Ramps and grab bars are the dynamic duo that makes aging even more adventurous.

Non-Slip Mats

From the bathroom to the flooring world, non-slip mats are unsung heroes that help reduce the risks of trips, slips, and falls. Sure, they are not glamorous or flashy, but they are an important tool for aging in place safely.

Non-slip mats are perfect for the kitchen, bathroom, and any other area inside the house that is prone to moisture. They will provide you with grip and traction on slippery and slick surfaces such as hardwood floors and tiles.

Like most mats, these ones are easy to clean and maintain and thus a cost-effective and convenient addition to every home.

Walk-in Tubs

Yes, you can unwind and relax in your tub without having to step over its high sides, thanks to walk-in tubs. Unlike traditional bathtubs, these are designed with a door that allows you to enter effortlessly.

It doesn’t end there. The tubs are equipped with lots of other amazing features, such as heated surfaces, massaging jets, and seats to enhance your bathing experience. They are also made deeper for a more immersive soak.

You don’t need to be elderly to enjoy the benefits of walk-in tubs. This is a product that combines comfort, luxury, and safety for the perfect bath. What are you waiting for? Get your walk-in tub today!

Adjustable Beds / Bed Assist Bars 

Do you prefer sleeping with your head elevated and feet propped up? No worries, Adjustable beds, and bed assist bars have got your back. These are designed to enhance the way you sleep. 

Adjustable beds are customizable, and you can adjust them in different positions for the perfect angle. Plus, they are perfect for anyone with mobility issues. Why sacrifice your comfort and support when you can have them both?

Assist bars, on the other hand, are normally attached to the side of the bed and will provide you with a stable grip. Installing and removing them is relatively easy, so that shouldn’t be a problem.

Both these tools are important for allowing you to get into and out of bed easily without straining. 

Lift Chairs 

No more need to keep relying on others whenever you need to stand. A lift chair is designed with a lifting mechanism that raises both you and the chair to a standing position. Having a lift chair feels like being a king or queen with the perfect excuse to never leave your throne.

The chairs are available in a variety of styles and sizes, so there’s something for everyone. They are made comfortable and cozy so you can be fully relaxed, and when it’s time to get up, they help you do so with ease. See the review below for how the Ameriglide 325M Position Lift Chair makes life easier.

Stair Lifts 

Forget climbing stairs when you can cruise through in a cozy and comfortable seat.  Stair Lifts are heaven-sent and make it easy to use both floors of your house, even if you’re mobility impaired. 

They are also a great tool to improve your confidence and make you stop worrying about losing your balance. Sit back and relax as you slowly move up the stairs. Don’t forget about the safety features – fasten the seat belts and obstruction sensors!

But the real beauty lies in the sense of independence and freedom that it brings. It’s like having an elevator in your home but without the hefty price tag.

Automatic Door Openers 

You know that awkward moment when you push instead of pull? Well, you no longer have to deal with that, thanks to automatic door openers. These doors make a door open magically without having to touch it.

They are an excellent solution for people with limited hand dexterity or mobility problems. And the good thing is that you can install them on existing doors and operate them with a sensor or remote.

If you’ve always wanted something out of a sci-fi movie, this is your chance. Who wouldn’t want the superpower to open doors with just a wave of the hand?

Mobility Aids

Mobility aids such as canes and rollator walkers are a must-have if you are having problems standing or walking for long periods. These practical tools come in a variety of styles and sizes. 

Walkers vary from basic models to more advanced ones with storage compartments, brakes, and wheels.

They are your perfect companion for an errand in the market or a stroll around the neighborhood. Just be careful and take note of the environment. 

Smart Hub

What if there was a way to control almost everything in the house from one place? There is! A smart hub is a command center from where you operate multiple smart devices. You can lock and unlock doors, turn on and switch off the lights, and control other smart devices in your home.

Samsung SmartThings, Amazon Echo, and Google Nest are examples of smart hubs. They are available as an app on your smartphone or have a display with a touchscreen.

Smart Ovens and Stoves

You don’t want to leave your cooking unattended. It’s easy to fall asleep when you’ve left food on the stove. But thanks to technology, we now have smart stoves. 

You can set your stove to shut down automatically when unattended for more than five minutes. They also come with remote controls for switching the appliances on and off, as well as timers, activity monitors, and gas sensors.

Tips for Staying Safe While Aging in Place

If you want to live independently as an elderly, then staying safe is a top priority. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Stay active by exercising regularly. This helps maintain your balance and strength and reduces the risk of falls and other injuries.
  • Keep emergency numbers a speed dial away. Your family’s and doctor’s phone number should be easily accessible in times of emergency.
  • Remove any tripping hazards around your home. Make sure cables and cords are safely out of the way.
  • Ensure your home is well-lit in areas such as bathrooms, hallways, and stairways where you can easily trip and fall. You might even want to consider a backup generator that automatically kicks on if you live in an area with frequent storms or blackouts. 
  • Finally, keep in touch with family and friends. Make sure they are within reach in case of an emergency.


We admire the strength of youth but respect the gray hair of age. Getting old isn’t a curse or disease, it simply means you are chronologically gifted. Sure, you are not as strong as you were, but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t enjoy the things you once did.

If you or a loved one wants to age in place, you should be able to safely and without worry! Browse through our selection of the best products for aging in place safely and get a couple you think would be great additions to your home. And feel free to contact us with any problems or queries. We are always happy to help.

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